PaSiMap (Pairwise Similarity Map)

Start your query

Click the tab 'Query' on the navigation bar at the top of the website.

This will display the empty form for submitting your query:

empty query-form

Submit your query

Insert your protein sequences in the input field.

This can be done in the following ways:

submit query-form

After inserting the sequences in the input field, submit the query by clicking the 'Submit'-button.

After submitting your query

If the submit was successful, your query-webpage will look like this:

running query

Please copy the displayed link from the flash-message. Afterwards, you do not need to keep the page open and can use the link to return to your query.

Get results from your query

As soon as your query finishes, your query-webpage will look like this:

finished query

The following output-files can be downloaded: